I think this form being a video and the content being a card game. This content and form go together perfectly so I can explain how the game works, the setup, the different card types, how to win, and who goes first. The whole process of this creation was harder and easier than what I thought at the same time. When editing it was harder because I am new to iMovie and editing software. It was easier because I hit the time limit sooner than when I thought I was going to so my video turned out a little differently than how I thought it would. This process was interesting because I like my topic and I've never made a video and did a voiceover on it before but other than that I thought this project was not that fun. I found this project to be challenging because I wanted to record my roommates and I all playing together but it was difficult to get everyone together at once to record so that didn't happen. Another obstacle I faced was the time we had to do this project. I think we should have had a little longer since this project requires so much and maybe a few more lab days.
One artistic choice I made while doing this project was to use all my own images and videos. Another artistic choice I made was changing the tone of my voice when describing different parts of the game. This kind of storytelling is unique because I can show just how much I know about Unstable Unicorns and explain it in my own way, It is also unique because I can show the process of the game and how it words using the deck of cards.
Throughout this process I learned how to voice over a video which will help me in the future for if I ever want to make videos in the future. Also, I learned that making videos is way harder that I give YouTubers credit for.
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