The first video I watched was One Art, a poem by Elizabeth Bishop. The story is about the art of losing. The form this video takes is that of shorts recordings and illustrations. The images in this video add a sense of place to the text. They make you feel like you are where the author is by showing these images. The audio adds a tone with the voice and the background music makes you feel a certain way when watching and listening. I imagine the videos were obtained over time by being recorded in the same spot. I imagine the images were obtained in a similar way or taken on a camera. I imagine the audio was just recorded like normal audio. I think everything worked well in the video from the videos to images to audio to background noise. One trick I picked up from this video was to record my voice over already recorded film.
The next video I watched was One Step Away by Caroline Rumley. The story is about a dream where two people are lost and finding their way and then get separated and there is only one person lost and alone and finding their way. The form of this video takes that of multiple clips put together into one longer video. I imagine the videos were obtained from YouTube according to the credits at the end of the video. I think the audio clip was recorded then rerecorded with the background music added in. I think the video beginning with someone walking up stairs works very well with this video because as this clip is being show the video is talking about being lost and wandering around by foot. One tip I picked up was to cite any and all videos I might take from another source.
The final video I watched was Indefinite Animals by Martha McCollough. This story is about animals and their different behaviors. The genre of this video would be poetry. The clips and images in this video add to what is being said in the audio clip. In all honesty this video confused me the most out of all of the videos. The audio clipped helped me better understand what to feel when I saw certain images. I imagine the videos were obtained by the author herself due to the specific animals being in them. I think the audio clip was recorded the same as the previous two, recorded then rerecorded with background music added to it. I think the author's whispering tone of voice worked well in this video because of the mood it set when watching it. One trick I picked up was to change the tone of my voice depending on the video so it affects how the listener hears it.
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