"Lick The Star"

The short film I watched was called "Lick the Star" by Sofia Coppola. When I first read the title of this short film I couldn't understand what the title meant. I would've never imagined what "lick the star" actually means and I did not think this was how this story was going to play out.

At the beginning we learn that Chloe is the queen of seventh grade. We also discover that she has a small posse, that weirdly reminded me of Mean Girls. One girl in her posse, named Kate, starts out with a broken foot because her dad ran it over. She was worried that her absence from school would cause Chloe to start a rumor about her because she already did that to someone else. One day in class Kate notices that Chloe has a star drawn on her ankle and "lick the star" written on her binder. Kate asks Chloe and the rest of the posse what it means and gets a shocking discovery. Throughout this short film we discover that "lick the star" is backwards for "kill the rats" and Kate is the last one to be let in on the plan. Kate's posse wants to teach the boys at their school a lesson by poisoning them with arsenic like in the story Flowers in the Attic. Eventually, Kate realizes what Chloe is doing and brings her down and takes her title. Chloe ends up attempting suicide and never regains friendship with the girls. The video ends with her walking away and is left to our own interpretation.

I gave a summary of the video so the readers who have never seen it would understand in case they chose not to watch it. I think Sofia Coppola made this world in this short film this way because it is very relatable to any girl that has grown up and got to middle school, at least for me it is. There is always that queen bee figure with their group of friends or clique, whatever you want to call it, and they think they are superior to all of their peers. There was always those others kids that followed and listened to them because they did not want to be the target much like in this story. The end, however, through me through a loop because I was not expecting it. The bully, Chloe, gets a taste of her own medicine when Kate exposes what "lick the star" means. I think Coppola chose to end this story this way because it is what every bullied child wants, the bully to get a taste of their own medicine. I'm not saying suicide because I think that is far from the answer but I think Chloe finally realized that her words and actions were hurting other people and understood why it was wrong.
