You Are About To Enter...

You are about to enter the imaginary world of Mikah. You are about to get a glimpse inside my mind and of what I think. Some would be scared and some would be anxious. I guess we'll find out..

My imaginary world consists of two landscapes so far, the rural mountains of Pennsylvania and the sandy coasts of Florida along with the hundreds of miles of ocean leading offshore. So many miles offshore to where the water is a deep dark blue and the visibility is crystal clear like glass. These are my two favorite places to be. They both bring me peace and are my happy place. This is why they are the landscapes for my imaginary world. I want everyone who enters to see the beauty in them like I do. They fascinate me and scare me all at once. They leave me in wonder and in my imaginary world I can answer all the questions I am always asking.

In the Pennsylvania landscape it smells like fresh cut grass and dying leaves in the wind of fall. You hear the leaves rustling on the sidewalk in the wind and tractors in the distance getting the fields ready. You can hear the boys revving their engines in their trucks and the hum of cheerleaders and fans under the Friday night lights of the high school football games. You hear laughter from family dinners during the week when everyone discusses their day because in my world everyone is happy. Everyone is loved. Sadness is not felt like in the real world. It is not as painful because I think in the real world there is too much pain and suffering.

On the Florida coasts you can smell the salt from the ocean and the coconut sunscreen everyone is wearing out in the sun. You can smell all the flowers planted in the yards of the houses and along the streets. You can hear the swells and crashing of the waves on the beach going in and out on the sand. You hear the sound of tiny seashells being pulled by the waves as if the ocean is playing its own song. You hear the engines of boats making wakes in the water as they pass by with music blaring and people singing loudly. You hear laughter and splashing from the parked boats nearby. There is also nothing but happiness from this place.

The imaginary world of Mikah is a happy place filled with laughter and smiles.
