I find brainstorming about my topic for the photo essay assignment very challenging. I am a writing minor so when I am assigned a project like this I do NOT want to half-ass it. I want my essay to have meaning behind it that people can relate to. I considered writing about something personal but then the stipulation about being current came out and I hit a road block. I considered writing about a day in the life of a college student but then I thought, "Everyone in the class knows what that's like." Then the thought occurred to me, "What about a Thursday night out at Woodside for a college student?" I would go through the process of getting ready and going through a million outfits then once at the bar deciding on what drink to get and where to stand and who to talk to and what pose is the perfect pose to choose to take the right picture for snapchat and instagram. #selfie. I also considered to document a day in the life of my cat, Penelope.
The more I contemplate my many photo essay ideas the more I lean towards wanting to document a day in the life of Penelope. Everyone that meets her says she is not like the average cat. I think this is because she grew up with a dog brother named Grayson Gunner and she probably thought she was a dog too. I also like to credit her unusual behavior to always being around children as a kitten. I made sure she got tummy rubs and was carried around so she would not scratch or bite. In this photo essay I want to showcase the many unusual behaviors of Penelope the cat. I want everyone who sees and reads it to understand her uniqueness and personality and how she wins over the many hearts of non cat lovers who come into contact with her.
The more I contemplate my many photo essay ideas the more I lean towards wanting to document a day in the life of Penelope. Everyone that meets her says she is not like the average cat. I think this is because she grew up with a dog brother named Grayson Gunner and she probably thought she was a dog too. I also like to credit her unusual behavior to always being around children as a kitten. I made sure she got tummy rubs and was carried around so she would not scratch or bite. In this photo essay I want to showcase the many unusual behaviors of Penelope the cat. I want everyone who sees and reads it to understand her uniqueness and personality and how she wins over the many hearts of non cat lovers who come into contact with her.
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